Did I take this sick time to do important things like pack for my move this week? No.
Did I get ahead on school work? No, I most certainly did not.
Did I catch up on reading...No, not really, but I did complete Love Does by Bob Goff and it's a dang good book, y'all.
Instead I did really important things like lay on the sofa with my husband and child and compare who was the most pitiful. There is no clear cut winner. We watched the same 4 episodes of Bubble Guppies probably 70 times, with a few new ones sprinkled in. I surfed the web on my iPad because I was way, to sick to get up from the sofa and do anything except shower and tinkle (Yeah, I said tinkle). I watched like seventy episodes of Inside the Actors studio. Then I googled the 10 questions Lipton asks and thought loooong and hard about what my answere would be when I become famous, because y'all know its going to happen, okay. So without further delay:
- What is your favorite word? Splendid! I don't use it quite as often as I should. Mainly I only say it around my husband, mainly because it makes him chuckle.
- What is your least favorite word? moist, creamy, hate, ignorant. The first two because they sound yucky. The second two because people often use those when they want to feel superior, smart, more educated than someone, or when they are angered, hurt, and confused.
- What turns you on creatively, spiritually or emotionally? My husband, laughter, bubbles
- What turns you off? smacking, morning breath, vomit, boogers, and when people encourage me to drink the placenta after my child is born. Pass.
- What is your favorite curse word? F bombs... I am much better about not saying this than I used to be.
- What sound or noise do you love? Mallory laughing
- What sound or noise do you hate? Mallory in pain or distress
- What profession other than your own would you like to attempt? I think an actress, or maybe a politician
- What profession would you not like to do? The guy that is in charge of scooping up road kill...or prostitute.
- If Heaven exists, what would you like to hear God say when you arrive at the Pearly Gates? "Oh, Jill, how you made me smile!"