Monday, September 24, 2012

Tiny Boxes

I dislike moving a lot.  To say that this Craig home is a "mess" is the understatement of the year. In just three short weeks we will have a new place to call "home".  Somewhere, that we are planning to plan roots.  I always found it odd that my life could basically be packed into tiny little boxes and shipped across the country, for a cost, of course.  With moving comes a certain amount of nostalgia.  I boxed up many things that were "mine".  They came from a time before "I" became a "We".  I moved through our kitchen which mostly contains gifts of love that were given when Sam and I decided to marry.  I never knew I could be so sentimental over a knife.

Packing up Mallory's things was particularly sad.  The tiny newborn clothes she wore for only three months that Sam and I are holding onto in case our next blessing is another girl.  They were already sorted into containers ready for storage.  Now they will make a long journey with us.

I know that these are al just "things" and of course they are not where all my value is placed, but these things provide such great memories of a time of chaos, surprise, blessings, shock, utter happiness, a feeling of i have no idea what I am doing, and most importantly love.  These things get to come along with us for a whole new very big adventure.  An adventure that is a great and happy step for our family, but is also bittersweet as we are leaving behind a home full of memories, a church that we love, a campus corner that my sister and I spent late nights bonding, and family members that have loved and  supported us through our scariest and happiest times.  My love affair with Norman has been short in the grand scheme of things, but at the same time, very very sweet.

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

I Remember

This day eleven years ago I was sleeping in my bed, skipping my first class of the day because it was an 8 am class and I had stayed up in the wee hours of the morning socializing (sorry, mom).  My roommate, Kristin woke me up by coming into our room and saying, "dude, turn on the tv.  Someone flew into the World Trade Center".  Sleepy shock came over me.  By that time, it was pretty apparent that it wasn't an accident.

Disbelief set in as I watched horrifying news reports and learned of Flights 77 and 93, respectively.  To someone from my generation, like me, who basically believed that our nation was an invincible superpower, the realization that we were, in fact, vulnerable quickly emerged.

It was a sad day, an angry day, and in weeks that followed pride soon set in at the way a country that was divided, banded together.  Pain has a pretty powerful way of uniting people who would not normally come together.  Love surely is stronger, but I think, that pain unites people with a common bond that is not easily broken.  You suddenly become a member of a pain club.  It was definitely pain that brought Americans together after 9/11.  In the after affects, I think that we all learned that we need each other to make this place great, that together we can overcome any obstacle, that together we can rebuild.  Together we can hope, dream, mourn, thrive, succeed.  The biggest lesson, I learned from 9/11 is that no matter how polarized we are, we need each other.  Hugging my family extra tight today.

God Bless The U.S.A.

Friday, September 7, 2012


It has been a while since I have blogged.  It was mostly intentional, as Sam and I have been waiting for some fantastic news to be confirmed and official.

No, I am not pregnant...or at least I don't think I am.

First things first, Mallory spent a few days with my mommy over Labor Day Weekend while Sam went dove hunting with Johnny O.  It was also my mom's birthday and Mallory and I cherished a weekend alone with just us girls.  We went shopping, and dining, and Mallory and I got to visit FBC MP which is always a good time.

The really good, great, fantastic news is that Sam, Mallory, and I will officially be residents of...
wait for it...

TEXAS!!!!!  That's right, Sam accepted a job in The Woodlands and we will be there by the end of October.  Everything is still new so we don't have all the details planned out just yet (i.e. we don't have a place to live).  BUT we are so excited to be moving to Texas and the Houston area as we have some family and tons of friends there including Sam's college roommate and one of my college roommates.
Do not fret though, I refuse to root for any of their sports teams.  I am forever a Cowboys/Rangers/Mavericks girl.  So unless Andy Dalton becomes the QB for the, I won't be cheering for them one bit.
Of course our family is still in Norman and OKC and we will miss them tremendously, but hey, that's what planes are for and I have a ton of frequent flyer miles.

Sam, Mallory, Pearl, and I are just really very very excited.  Thanks to everyone that knew about this and prayed or closed their eyes and wished real hard for us.  It really is a dream come true and we are just so excited to be Texans living in Texas again.  Oh yeah, did i mention we are excited?