Friday, December 7, 2012

Happy Holidays!!!

I've been meaning to write, really I have, but I've been busy.  So busy.  It's the holidays and I have fully embraced them!  My decorations are out, my shopping is done, and I have been doing nothing but enjoying Christmas time in the city, er - suburbs...and peeking at my gifts.  I'm a Master Peeker!!! Most of the time, I even discover what St. Nick has in store for me.  I've had St. Nick wrapped around my finger since 1982 and he's even on my speed dial.  Speaking of Santa Claus...

We celebrated my dad's birthday last weekend with some football and some fabulous food.  We ate, and ate, and ate some more.  I was slightly consoled by delicious food - my alma mater lost to my husband's.  It's okay though, because next year we'll beat them...badly.  Watch out Sooners!

Oh, also I also have a 16-month-old.  How in the world did that happen?  Mallory is growing so fast - she learns at least 20 new things everyday. Our big thing right now is sorting things out into groups and taking things apart and putting them back together.  She's also starting to be fairly demanding - or bossy, if you want to be rude about it.  Pearl barks and she points then sternly says, "stop, Peawl". We've been working on table manners and our behavior in public.  In fact, she ate at Chef Tim Love's restaurant with us and a stranger complimented us on her behavior.  He told us to enjoy our gem of a child because the experience could be going a lot different.  Score. You're exactly right, mister.  Mallory Craig is a gem! We still have our moments though, usually around our Aunt's okay though because she's a bad influence on everyone.  ;)
Preparing a sixteen-month-old for Christmas is quite fun.  The trees look silly because only the top halves are decorated.  The stockings get pulled off the mantle every now and then.  The used roll of wrapping papers make for really fun megaphones of telescopes. Our presents are on top of furniture so that we can not prematurely open them (like mommy), or pull them down and dance on top of them. We are looking forward to "Shanta Caws".  I'm not sure Mallory knows exactly what Santa Claus does...but she knows what he looks like and she knows he's coming to town, and we can pick him out in a line-up.  We'll be visiting Shanta Caw tomorrow and I am anxious to see if she will be scared or if she will pull off his beard like last year.  Most importantly we listen to our advent ornament every night and learn about the true meaning of Christmas.  Mal Mal looks at the nativity scene.  She'll pick up the animals and say which sound they make.  Mallory rocks the baby Jesus while he's still in his manager.  It's pretty impressive actually.  Her eyes are always beautiful, but they are especially pretty this time of year when there is so much to learn and take in.  They are a little bluer, a little more bright and extra twinkly.

I hope your Christmas season is extra twinkly this year, too!

1 comment:

  1. ugh! just precious! and you're right. aunt amy IS a bad influence on us all. lol
